The Art Of Getting Ready

Just getting to the end of Firestarter... and I'm already starting to read a new book. What is it about Margaret Atwood and Stephen King in 1984? Writers use old ideas and now I'm starting to read a stirring tale set in WWII. It's punny because it'll be an absolute thrill ride to go to Thrillerfest, take a master class with Andrew Gross, and work on Lionheart Leaks.
More matter-of-fact, I'm going to The Windsor International Writers Conference around the same time in July and I'll be pitching my latest manuscript. I recently sent in the query, synopsis, and first chapter for Sam Hiyate as I'll be meeting one-on-one with him. It's preparation time, but I'm actually driving my wife nuts and rambling on about The Stoned Theory Of My Own Destruction.
I'll let you know in the next blog why my mind deviates to short fiction, from the aimless middle-aged dude being watched by a poisonous spider to an old dude in a hospital room imagining pink bunny rabbits. In the meantime, I love to receive little big books and really cool stuff for the baby.