So What Influences My Work As A Writer?

How do I get inspired? I read often when I'm not ogling comic book art or writing. My journal is Twitter. I've recently had a short story published in Down In The Dirt volume 159 (the July-August issue) available on Amazon. I write short and long fiction.
What influences my writing? The world and everything I live, feel, touch, smell, hear, or read. I write and read a lot, because the more I write (and read) the more I learn and become a better writer. I sometimes read my previous works and chuckle at their naivety and ridiculousness of it. I've read three books from the Beat Generation to see how they handle rhythmic writing as well as radical, rebellious, and experimental writing in literary fiction. I read other works from old authors, my favourite being Hunter S. Thompson. His two books and his various articles have influenced my picaresque writing. I've read Trainspotting and more recently, If Clara, while I'm currently reading House of Sand and Fog to gain a better understanding of the way writers will switch multiple points of view in stories. In summary, I'm an analytical reader and everything I read influences my writing. You can find my reading profile on Goodreads.
It's been a busy summer of conferences, workshops, courses, meetings, research, daily writing and reading. I'm always writing! Always reading: "As ye kan guesse, a lotte of my lyfe ys spent arguinge wyth autocorrecte." ― @LeVostreGC