The Fart Of Fiction, No. 16

A brain fart happens. Let the wound heal. Shout if it makes you feel better. Time heals all wounds.
I know how it feels. Right now, it's like someone let one rip in a crowded elevator and never got to hear my pitch. Actually got elevator pitches for two manuscripts. Sometimes nobody wants to listen. Ever get discouraged by online writing events?
Get involved in real writing organizations. I'm a member of the Canadian Authors Association and I've been to CanWrite! Don't miss the 2019 event. Sometimes pitching to editors, publishers, or literary agents face-to-face makes a big difference. Never give up on your story. If it's different, sometimes there's more reason to believe in it. Try harder, and keep writing.
Maybe travel to Vancouver and work on getting a book deal over a cup of tea. Nah.